Ensto Code of Conduct

We all play a key role in putting this Code into practice

Ensto’s Code of Conduct (“Code”) is our key policy and an essential part of our strategy. This Code defines the way we work and sets a framework for responsible ways of conducting business. It provides the ethical standards that help us to make the right choices every day. The Code is also an introduction to our main policies and principles, which include more detailed guidance and information.

Our Code applies to every single one of us, wherever in the world we are working for Ensto. The entire company and its personnel are committed to complying with the Code’s principles. Together, we are responsible for building trust and creating a good working environment for everyone at Ensto.

If you are unsure of how to interpret the Code, do not hesitate to ask for help.

Ensto Code of Conduct themes

We comply with laws and regulations

We are committed to complying with all applicable laws and regulations wherever we operate. Key laws and regulations concern occupational safety, the status of employees, privacy, prevention of bribery, competition, environmental protection and product safety.

Ensto is a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact, and we are committed to its principles on human rights, environment, labor, and anti-corruption.

Employees are expected to be familiar with and fulfill the laws and rules, which apply to their work. Ensto’s managers and the tools provided by Ensto will help us with this task.

We respect human and labor rights

At Ensto, we respect internationally recognized human rights in all our operations. We do not tolerate violation of human rights or labor laws in any part of our supply chain. We follow national laws concerning minimum wages and working hours.

We honor the freedom of our employees and do not use forced or child labor under any circumstances. We follow, and are stricter than, the ILO (International Labor Organization) minimum age limits for employment and local laws.

All our employees are free to join associations and have the right to form and join trade unions.

We truly care for our people

Wellbeing is a success factor for us at Ensto. We believe that employee wellbeing contributes to better customer satisfaction and thereby improved business results. We want to build a strong company culture with engaged people.

The health and safety of our employees is important to us. We aim at zero accidents and are continuously developing our safety procedures to achieve our goal of becoming an accident-free workplace. We are all responsible for working safely and must comply with the relevant occupational health and safety laws. We report any unsafe work practices or conditions we observe to a superior.

Learn more: Safety and Health Policy

We treat each other with respect

We treat one another equally with courtesy, dignity and respect, regardless of the other person’s gender, age, ethnic origin, religion, disability, sexual orientation or position in the company. We all are creating a good working environment together. Discrimination of any kind is unacceptable.

We do not accept bullying of any kind. Violence in the workplace — including threats, harassment, assaults and similar conduct — is not tolerated.

We have a high work ethics and never work under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Ensto’s managers and executives will take the appropriate actions if they observe behavior of any kind that is unacceptable at Ensto.

We strive for high quality

The quality of our products, services and solutions forms an integral part of our business and is a matter of honor for us. Quality is embedded in our daily business, as we strive to deliver greater customer loyalty and satisfaction.

Learn more: Quality and Environmental Policy

We take care of the environment

We take environmental matters into account in all our actions. We strive to find ways of saving energy in our own operations, and producing sustainable products and services. We review our progress in environmental activities in our annual sustainability report.

At Ensto, it is the responsibility of all of us to work in an environmentally sustainable manner and share best practices. Together, we strive to reduce waste and other environmental impacts, e.g. through the appropriate recycling of material and waste. If we notice incidents that pose a risk to the environment, we report this to our superiors at the first possible opportunity.

Learn more: Quality and Environmental Policy, Sustainability Report

We respect privacy

We respect the privacy and integrity of our stakeholders, and do our utmost to maintain the secrecy of any confidential information entrusted to us. All Ensto employees must keep information related to customers and Ensto secret if they do not have permission to disclose such information. We expect our employees to follow this guideline, even after their employment contract has ended.

Employees must respect the privacy of colleagues and customers when processing personal data. An employee with access to the personal data of customers and Ensto must read the more detailed privacy instructions concerning such data and act accordingly.

Learn more: Ensto Privacy Notice, Privacy Policies

We do business fairly and openly

Ensto wants to be a trusted and reliable business partner. Trust is the basis of everything we do, and must be earned every day. We build trust by being honest and always keep our promises.

We comply with the applicable competition and marketing legislation in everything we do. In addition, we market and sell our products and services fairly and honestly on the basis of their quality, capabilities, price and service level. We do not discuss prices or pricing principles with our competitors.

We avoid conflicts of interest

We avoid situations that can lead to conflicts of interest. Such situations might arise when our personal interests conflict with those of the company. In all cases, we must remember that all decisions at Ensto must be made in the best interests of the company.

Employees are not permitted to compete with Ensto or take advantage of business opportunities that belong to Ensto. Any outside association, including activities with other organizations, should not have an impact on the time and attention employees are expected to devote to fulfilling their responsibilities for Ensto, or adversely affect the quality or quantity of the employee’s work.

Any associations, interests and business relationships that may cause divided loyalties are only permitted with the approval of Ensto’s Management Team. Situations where a family member of a director of Ensto holds a position in a company with which Ensto has a business relationship, or with which Ensto competes, should be avoided.

We do not accept or give bribes or improper gifts

At Ensto, we have zero tolerance towards bribery and corruption. We do not offer, give, demand or accept a bribe or other improper benefit in any situation.

We do not give or accept gifts, favors or entertainment whenever the act might influence business decisions or transactions. Business gifts and other business-related hospitality are only acceptable when they are nominal in value, are given openly, do not violate applicable law, and are consistent with common business practices.

Special laws and rules apply to gifts to government employees, and Ensto has a policy of strict compliance with all such restrictions.

We speak up

If we detect any violations of this Code, we should report them as soon as possible to our superior or to SpeakUp line. SpeakUp is an independent misconduct reporting platform hosted by a third party People Intouch B.V. SpeakUp enables us to report compliance issues anonymously in multiple languages. 

All suspected violations will be investigate in confidence. All violations will be reported to the Board of Directors of Ensto.

If something doesn't seem right, Speak Up

If ​you as Ensto's external stakeholder detect any misconduct or unethical behavior regarding Ensto that you want to report, please do so via the SpeakUp web service:

SpeakUp web access

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Get to know the Ensto Code in ten languages