Visual installation instructions – avoid mistakes easily with Ensto

Durability and reliability are the most crucial topics for Ensto and we pay a lot of effort that our products serve for a long time in electricity distribution network. The high-quality features of the product are complemented by the right kind of installation instructions, to which Ensto has also paid special attention.

We want our products to be easy to install and installation faults to be avoided. We know that more than two-thirds of faults in medium voltage cable lines are related to installation of accessories, so following the installation instructions is important. Even the best product may cause troubles, if installed incorrectly.

At Ensto we understand the work of installers and the fact that installations are done in the field in varying weather conditions. That is why we have designed illustrated installation instructions without texts to make installers daily work as easy as possible. With proper installation we can be sure that our products will work for a long time as they should.

– We have received very good feedback on our installation instructions. That’s great, because we really work on the instructions down to the smallest detail to make them as simple and understandable as possible. By following our installation instructions, the installation is always correct, says Ella Minkkinen, who works in the product development of Ensto’s cable accessories.

Easy to follow

One good picture speaks better than many words, so all the steps of installation instructions are illustrated. In addition, they clearly contain all the necessary dimensions at the right stage of installation.

The instructions are easy to follow and do not contain text, so no matter what language installer speaks, they help to achieve a consistent and reliable installation. In addition, each crucial step where a fault is likely to occur, instructions has two images: one showing the correct and the other the wrong way to do the installation. This option is almost impossible to be presented in a text version.

All Ensto’s cable accessory packages include installation instructions. A good tip is that instructions can also be found on the Downloads section of each product on the website. Check here!

The installation videos follow the installation instructions exactly

Needless to say that we also follow our illustrated instructions very carefully when we do video instructions, like e.g. in our new heat shrink joint installation video. The videos follow the same steps as the instructions described, but give a more practical idea of how to do the right installation. Check out our new installation video below!