Landis+Gyr ranks as the world leader in electricity metering, with a pre eminent position in advanced metering systems – an essential element in global efforts to upgrade energy distribution systems and enable power to be distributed more efficiently and reliably. Ensto collaborates with Landis+Gyr to bring AMM (advanced metering management) to central Finland.
According to the Finnish government’s regulations, 80% of electricity meters should be remotely read by the end of 2013. Landis+Gyr and the Finnish Järvi-Suomen Energia have signed a contract for the delivery of 80,000 ‘smart meters’ and a meter reading service until 2018.
Landis+Gyr began co-operation with Ensto back in the 1990s. Last year, the companies started an important joint project whose first phase brought the new technology and the associated benefits to some 100,000 Finnish electrical utility customers. The new technology measures, collects information on, and analyses energy usage, and it interacts with advanced, remotely read electricity meters. Automatic meter reading, or AMR, is the technology of automatically collecting consumption, diagnostic, and status data from energy metering devices (water, gas, heat, and electricity meters) and transferring said data to a central database for billing, troubleshooting, and analysis purposes.
Ensto brings to the project the total enclosing solutions, some of which are specially customised Cubo enclosures, and furnishes the enclosures with the electronics needed. One of Ensto's strengths is the ability to supply all the necessary technology – and more. Ensto is a highly professional, reliable, and nimble supplier, according to Risto Koskinen, manager of Metering Products at Landis+Gyr.