Ensto Cubo P panel building system involved in Faroe Islands’ biggest ever housing project

The Faroe Islands lie northwest of Scotland, halfway between Iceland and Norway. With a population of 48,642, they constitute a self governing region of the Kingdom of Denmark.

Ensto has taken the opportunity to be part of an exciting project on the islands: “Undir Kongavarða”, their largest ever housing project. The first of five building stages alone included 5 apartment buildings and 32 houses.

As one of the main contractors, "El.fo" company has used the Ensto Cubo P solution to house the power reader, automatic fuses and automatic controls for all outdoor street-lighting. During the assembly stage, Ensto Cubo P is an open construction. As such, it is easy to modify and extend into larger assemblies. All plates and covers are provided with gaskets. These ensure the high degree of protection required for the project environment in question.

Get to know the Ensto Cubo P panel building system