Many of us can identify problematic structures in society, but when it comes to the workplace these are more difficult to notice. Sometimes it’s hard to see what’s right in front of you.
At the beginning of my career, I didn’t always have the courage to show who I really was. This led to situations in which I lied about having a boyfriend who never really existed. Fifteen years ago, that just felt easier than telling the truth. I also remember worrying what my colleagues at Ensto might think of me if they really knew. It dawned on me only later that I was ashamed of myself.
Luckily, at that time I had wonderful, trustworthy teammates at Ensto whom I could openly tell about my life with a female partner. Over time, I worked up the courage to be similarly open with more and more co-workers. I also met other Ensto employees belonging to sexual minorities. It turned out that I had been ashamed of myself for no reason, that my shame was just the product of the social structures I had grown accustomed to throughout my life.
Over the past decade, the rights of sexual minorities have become increasingly respected in many countries. In Finland, the Marriage Act has finally been amended to make it gender-neutral, and our current Prime Minister was raised by her mother and her mother’s female partner. There still is much to be done, however. In particular, ensuring the rights of transgender people requires a great deal of effort.
Last weekend, a mass shooting took place outside a gay bar in Oslo, killing two and wounding 21 people. This is an extremely sad example of anger. Much remains to be done to ensure that minorities are safe and equal.
The diversity debate does, of course, include much more than just the rights of sexual minorities or issues related to gender equality. For example, the Black Lives Matter movement, which started in the United States, has reminded us of the continued existence of racism and highlighted the hardships that racialized people face today.
I am confident that when each of us does our part to make the work community more accepting for everyone, we are building a better and better company.
By making room for multiplicity, we are improving matters for everyone. Work is more enjoyable and relaxed when everyone can safely be who they really are. This also leads to better solutions for our customers. But even though diversity is important in ensuring a company’s success, it is above all a question of the inviolability of human dignity.
I hope these few words about my own experience and outlook go a little way toward promoting diversity.
Have a good Pride Month!
Anna Miettinen
The author is one of Ensto’s owners and the Chairperson of the Board of Ensto’s parent company, Ensto Invest Oy.