Why Not Try Nordic-Italian Fusion Cooking?

Italian with a Nordic twist: a recipe for better projects.


Project: Intesa Sanpaolo Bank on Via Montebello in Milan – an Italian banking treasure.



• 1 passionate lighting engineer.
• 1 professional Ensto team (one ready to customize anything!).
• 1 trusting customer (not always easy to find, but you can grow your own).
• Workpoint and lighting solutions, Diana, Velox panels ALSD180PU and ALSD180PP. (Over 2,000 lighting points throughout eight floors!)





Preparation time: 20+ years. This recipe is not for amateurs. Attention kids: do not try this at home!




Cooking instructions:

• Mix Italian imagination and artisanal tradition with Nordic problem-solving skills and Finnish process orientation and sharp scheduling.
• Consult customer regularly.
• Customize product as needed.
• Always keep the end result in mind!




Speed matters in my kitchen! We are faster and more precise when it comes to offering solutions thanks to our Finnish process orientation and sharp scheduling, yet we have the Italian artisan way of working, too.”

Chef Paolo De Vecchi, Ensto Lighting Engineer