Ensto's solutions improve SAIDI and SAIFI indices

SAIDI and SAIFI indices are considered increasingly important as performance indicators for electrical utilities. In order to improve SAIDI and SAIFI indices automatic solutions can be used to optimize the network. Ensto has many years of international experience on network automation products and solutions that improve SAIDI and SAIFI indices reliably and suit a number of needs and networks. Here are a few examples:

Smartcloser cuts outage time and costs

Ensto Smartcloser is an automated pole-mounted vacuum technology recloser. It reduces outage duration and automatically isolates faulty sections of the distribution network. In most cases, quick recovery is possible immediately after the incident. Smartcloser clears the fault by closing and opening the connection several times. If the fault is permanent, the connection is left open. The solution is reliable and can be used in any medium voltage overhead lines.

Auguste and Ergoswitch, highly effective overhead line load break switches to most demanding conditions

Auguste and Ergoswitch load break switches can replace the traditional overhead line disconnecting switches on overhead lines. Modular design of these load break switches enables them to adapt to the constraints of existing networks, to different modes of operations and to future network evolutions. They are completely maintenance-free and have low pressure SF6 gas which enables at least a 30-year operating life without gas refilling.

An important feature of these switchgears is that they have a closed connection chamber which means that they are suitable for any weather conditions and they do not require service or maintenance works in the whole period of operation. Traditional remotely controlled overhead line switchgears need technical inspection once a year or once per two years which means many interruptions to power lines due to the maintenance work as well as the costs of inspection and maintenance. Even control box's batteries can be replaced without switching off the voltage.

While designing and constructing low and medium voltage distribution lines, many often forget that the choice of an appropriate system or product is essential for the frequency and duration of the power supply interruptions during the whole period of operation. Companies can often focus on comparing some less significant parameters of certain products, which might simplify the purchasing process, disregarding what impact it will have on the measured SAIDI and SAIFI indices. With Ensto's products and solutions electrical utilities can really improve their SAIDI/ SAIFI indices as well as their financial result and public image.